Being at Wrigley Field for three amazing wins was one of the main highlights of the trip! When we first caught site of it Leslie teared up and walked around in a stupor with her mouth wide open. We got to sit in the bleachers and behind home plate (not super close, but still cool). We cheered them on for all three victories and are sure we are good luck for the team. It was neat to finally see this historic field.
We got really lost on our way to Nauvoo, but thanks to some help we made it. We were rushed but made it to the key sites like Carthage Jail, the Temple (which was closed for cleaning) and the Brick Yard just to name a few. We went to the evening performance and I ran into some old missionary friends, the Roddeback's who I served with in Saint George.
We saw so many things, and mostly by accident like driving by Oprah's studio. We made a point to see the Michael Jordan Statue and the view of the city is of course from the Sears Tower. There were some scary areas, but overall Chicago was a beautiful city. We plan to go back next year!