Life memories and helpful tips
Did you get your gift yet??
Hey, I might have to revoke your blog posting invitation if you put up provocative photos. Yes I got the gift! Thanks again!
I don't think it is provacative... I think you need to appreciate what you've got! I promise to be more tame in future postings!
Jill can post on your blog? I thought you put that picture up and were saying how hot you were. If Jill said it, then yes, I agree! If you said it, then that would be weird. Anyway, why can't I post on your blog?
She asked to be able to post. I will invite you too if you wish.
haha Kari! If she lets you post be careful, she almost took away my privileges because of this picture!
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Did you get your gift yet??
Hey, I might have to revoke your blog posting invitation if you put up provocative photos. Yes I got the gift! Thanks again!
I don't think it is provacative... I think you need to appreciate what you've got! I promise to be more tame in future postings!
Jill can post on your blog? I thought you put that picture up and were saying how hot you were. If Jill said it, then yes, I agree! If you said it, then that would be weird. Anyway, why can't I post on your blog?
She asked to be able to post. I will invite you too if you wish.
haha Kari! If she lets you post be careful, she almost took away my privileges because of this picture!
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