Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I was getting really upset that Leslie wouldn't take me home. I agreed to one more errand to get my present from Grandma. So when I got there I wasn't too happy. Then I opened the door and stepped inot the house to find Edward...and a bunch of other people saying surprise! I cheered up pretty quick after that and it was a fun party:)

Looks pretty real hah?

Lots of good presents

This is my marathon medal, time and number all framed!


Sara said...

Wow! What an AWESOME gift!

carrie @ the boonie life said...

Suzifer!! HEY! Nice blog. And nice life-size cutout of Eddy boy. HOw's it going? I was just in St. George for my bro-in-law's wedding and totally forgot that you lived there. Were you there feb 15-18th? DAng iT! It would've been so fun to see you! You look gorgeous, and so tiny, by the way.

Kari said...

So did you keep the life size dream boy? I'm sure he's hanging around your house somewhere!

Sheri said...

Everytime I see your blog, I think of "peeps" the Easter Candy LOl.. just wanted to share :)